
 Wed, 16. Jul. 2014   Hoppe, Gina

Prof. Ahlemann held a presentation at the PMO Days 2014 titled “Project Management Office – Quo Vadis? Von der Support-Einheit für Projektleiter zur strategischen Stabsfunktion”

On July 1, Prof. Ahlemann held a presentation at the Project Management Office (PMO) Days 2014 titled “Project Management Office – Quo Vadis? Von der Support-Einheit für Projektleiter zur strategischen Stabsfunktion”. The presentation outlined typical previous PMO task fields. Current research results were presented to track the development of the PMO concept. Leading organizations recommend a strategic role for the PMO. This implies an organizational relocation of a company’s functional areas (e.g. IT, R&D). A closer alignment between the functional areas and the management was mentioned. In addition, the presentation included advice on how current PMOs could be enhanced. The conference dealt with the complexity of handling project landscapes. Is it possible to derive benefit from PMOs – also in respect of SMEs? This requires qualified support to ensure successful projects. For more details, please visit the following website: PM Institute