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Can Self-Tracking Solutions Help with Understanding Quality of Smart, Connected Products?

Art der Publikation: Beitrag in Sammelwerk

Can Self-Tracking Solutions Help with Understanding Quality of Smart, Connected Products?

Schiller, Barbara; Brogt, Tobias; Schuler, J. Peter M.; Strobel, Gero
Titel des Sammelbands:
Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
Quality, Smart Connected Product, Self-Tracking, Internet of Things
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Smart connected products (SCPs) have gained significant attention in different domains because they offer numerous benefits and change the way of competition and value creation. While quality is im-portant for SCPs, no holistic quality model is available to target the present quality problems. Further-more, since the concept of an SCP is quite abstract, a bottom-up approach that starts with a concrete example seems suitable. Therefore, this paper identifies the five key components of SCPs and maps them to self-tracking solutions (STS) in order to show that STSs are suitable substitutes. We also analyse quality models in corresponding areas to verify the absence of a holistic quality model for the selected example. This contribution identifies the research gap regarding holistic, stakeholder-oriented quality models and helps researchers understand SCPs better.